Nursing Admission Requirements in Uganda


Here is the admission requirement for a course in Nursing in Uganda

Aga Khan University Nursing Admission Requirements

Eligibility Criteria​ ​​​​​​

Enrolled Nurses, Enrolled Comprehensive Nurses, Registered Midwives and Registered Psychiatric Nurses are encouraged to apply.

  • Form IV level of education with a minimum aggregate of Division III in the Ordinary Certificate of Education.
  • Pass in the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
  • Certificate of Enrolment from the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council (for enrolment level).
  • Certificate of Registration in Midwifery (RM) with the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council (for registration level).
  • At least two years of continuous experience in a clinical care setting.

Website link:

Fins Medical University Nursing Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements

In order to be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Nursing Science program, a candidate should fulfill all FINS Medical University admission requirements for the undergraduate program. In addition, eligible candidates should possess at least Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) or equivalent qualification obtained at one sitting and a Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) or the equivalent qualification obtained at one sitting with two Principle Passes in Biology and Chemistry.

Program Duration

The BNS direct entry program will cover a period of four years divided into 8 semesters and recess semesters since FINS Medical University uses a semester system. In one academic year there are two semesters each lasting at least Eighteen (18) weeks, which will further be divided into three parts:

  1. a) Teaching block for both theoretical and clinical teaching = 15 weeks
  2. b) Revision period to facilitate preparation for examinations = 01 week
  3. c) Examination period to conduct end of semester examinations = 02 weeks

Website link:

Victoria University Uganda Nursing admission requirements

Bachelor of a) Holders   of the KCSE   holders   must   have   a TCE & TACE Qualifications that are
Nursing Advanced     Level minimum grade of C+ and above. Certificate with  at recognized for University
Sciences Certificate:   UCE  & OR   ACE,   ‘GCE   or   A-levels’ least   2   Principal entry in their respective
  UACE Certificate with applicants  must  have  at  least  2 Passes OR Diploma countries, these will
  2 Principal Passes OR principal passes or its equivalent. from a  recognized always  be  vetted  by  the
  related Diploma from a OR  A  Diploma  in  a  relevant institution of National Council of
  recognized institution discipline from a recognized Higher Learning. Higher Education.  
  of Higher Learning; In institution of Higher Learning.                
  order to be eligible for                          
  admission, a candidate                          
  must have   sat and                          
  i)         Uganda                          
  Certificate       of                          
  Education examination                          
  or its  equivalent and                          
  obtained  credits in  at                          
  least five   science                          
  subjects     including                          
  Biology, Chemistry,                          
  Physics,  Mathematics,                          
  and English.                                
  ii)         Uganda                          
  Advanced Certificate                          
  of       Education                          
  examination   or its                          
  equivalent       and                          
  obtained a   principal                          
  pass each in Biology                          
  and Chemistry and one                          
  other subsidiary pass.                          


Victoria University website:

Indian Institute of Health and Allied Sciences Nursing Admission Requirement

Course Duration Basic Entry Requirements Award Admission time
Diploma Nursing/Midwifery (Direct) 3 years ‘A’ level sciences with a Principal Pass in Biology and a subsidiary pass in Chemistry Diploma November
Diploma Nursing/Midwifery (up-grading) 1 ½ years Certificate in Nursing or Midwifery Diploma May
Certificate in Nursing or Midwifery 2 ½ years ‘O’ Level standard with at least passes in sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, and Mathematics) Certificate May/November

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