Peponi School Fees Structure comprises of registration fee, application fee, tuition fees and caution money. The average fees per year is Ksh1.1 million.
Below are the full details of Peponi School fees structure:
All fees & charges are quoted in Kenya Shillings
Entry Charges – once only payments.
Application Fee | 5,000.00 |
Registration Fee | 10,000.00 |
Caution Deposit (refundable) – Kenyan Residents | 275,000.00 |
Caution Deposit (refundable) – Non-Kenyan Residents | 350,000.00 |
Pupil’s Pass (only for pupils whose parents are not Kenyan citizens and not resident in Kenya) | 5,000.00 |
Charges per Term (3 terms per year).
Full Boarders | 983,400.00 |
Weekly Boarders | 928,725.00 |
Day Pupils | 696,675.00 |
Annual Fee
There shall only be one fee increase per annum. For Parents’ convenience, invoices are raised termly to ease cash flow pressure.
Extras – charged as is.
Music – as arranged with the Music Teacher.
Any examination fee associated with activities. Examination charges are usually invoiced at the end of the preceding term.
Any coaching from those outside the School
Financial Information & Declaration Form
Any Day Pupil (or Weekly Boarder at weekends) wishing to stay overnight at the School will be charged 5,000.00 per night. This amount will not be charged if the student has been asked, by the School, to stay overnight because of a School activity.
Conditions Regarding the Payment of School Fees & Charges
Parents and guardians are requested to read carefully the conditions set out below in regard to the payment of school fees and charges.
- The School shall charge fees as per the fee structure issued at the beginning of every year and/or at the date of first admission. The School shall increase the fees annually and notices duly issued to the parents.
- An advance payment (‘the Caution Deposit’) shall be paid upon receipt of a written offer of a place from the School in order to secure that place. Any deposit paid shall not be refundable in the event that the pupil does not take up the place offered for whatever reason. If the same shall not be paid, the School shall not guarantee to hold a place open. The deposit shall be charged according to the residential status of the pupil/parent (Kenyan Residents and Non-Kenyan Residents are charged differently as advised in the fee structure above). This caution deposit is refunded without interest when the pupil leaves the School at the end of his/her school career. The School shall be entitled to deduct all or part of the deposit to set off any payment then owing by the pupil to the School or to settle any monies which are properly determined by the School as to be due and payable. The School shall be at liberty to review the deposit payable from time to time.
- Payment may be made by cheque or bank transfer in any reasonable currency (NOT in cash, please) and is always receipted. The payee is ‘School Operators Limited’ who are the proprietors of the School. Our account number at Kenya Commercial Bank, Moi Avenue Branch, Nairobi is 1107112427. Swift Code: KCB (KENX) 017. The exchange rate used is that at the time of receipt. A copy of the bank transfer slip must be posted separately or emailed to the Bursar ([email protected]), as there is no guarantee that the bank will inform us of your transaction.
- Any costs incurred by the School in pursuing recovery of any outstanding fees shall be borne by the parent or guardian.
- The School requires the Fees to be paid on or before the FIRST DAY of each term. Fees not paid within 14 days of that, will incur an automatic 3% per month cumulative surcharge.
- The School reserves the right to return a pupil home should the fees not be paid by the 14th day.
- Remission of school fees is not made in cases where the school returns the pupil home because of illness, infections, discipline or absence through any other cause.
- Notice of intention to remove a pupil from the School must be in writing to the Headmaster and sent to reach him, at the latest, before the opening of the term at the end of which your child is to leave; otherwise, a full term’s fees will be charged.
- This notice clause is binding from the time the pupil joins in Year 9 (or later), up to the time he or she leaves at the end of the Upper VI year.
- Notice of a change of your child’s residential status at the school should be made in writing to the Head-master, and sent to reach him at the latest before the opening of the term preceeding that for which a change is requested. Otherwise, the higher rate will be charged.
- Parents who withdraw their child/children at any time for leave, or for any other reason during the term are liable for the full term’s fees.
- The Headmaster reserves the right to require the immediate withdrawal of any pupil.
- The Parties hereby agree that the Courts of Kenya and the applicable Kenya Law shall have jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising from this Agreement.
- It is hereby agreed that the above terms and conditions shall be deemed to constitute a valid contract between the parent and the School and shall be enforceable in a Court of Law in the event of default.
- All enquiries (concerning fees and charges) should be addressed to the Headmaster.