Requirements To Study Bachelor of Commerce in Kenya



Bachelor of Commerce is one of the best degree courses in Kenya. Many students enroll for the course because it is both marketable and well-paying. While that is the case, the requirements for studying this course are not so high, with a general score of C+ in KCSE and a C+ in Mathematics, you will be allowed to pursue the course at any university in Kenya.

When it comes to regular program, with a cut off determined by Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services, the best grade that will earn you a degree in Commerce at the University of Nairobi is A-,but as we move to less popular universities like Maseno,Bondo,Masinde Muliro,Mount Kenya University and South Eastern University, the grade is lowered to at least a B+.But things were different in 2017 when students scored poor grades in KCSE,which means during this year, a B plain is enough for you to pursue B.Com at the University of Nairobi.

If you want to join public universities, the standard grade is C+ with a C+ in Mathematics but you can be allowed to pursue the course even if you scored a C- in Mathematics.

Now this is the best advice: If you are planning to pursue a B.Com degree in Kenya, make sure you also enroll for a professional certification before you join or while in college. The best professional courses you can study alongside B.Com include CFA,CPA,CIFA,CFE,ACCA or CIA.All these will boost your chances of being successful in your endeavors.

The best universities to pursue B.Com in Kenya include the University of Nairobi,Strathmore University,JKUAT,Kabarak University,Kenyatta University,KCA University and USIU.


  1. Comment:what if you have a mean grade of B- with a C+ in mathematics I study at the university of Nairobi

  2. What if you have a mean grade of C minus with a B minus in mathematics can I pursue a diploma in commerse

  3. do you consider any sciences myb?? and what if i failed in the sciences but passed in mathematics