Salaries of Professionals in Uganda.



Professionals in Uganda earn based on the course they pursued in University and the amount of professional experience they possess. The highest paid professionals in Uganda include those working as Oil engineers, doctors, civil engineers, lawyers and finance managers.

Survey shows that these are the average monthly salaries of professionals in Uganda

Front Office/Secretary 600,000
Accountant 1.2million
Statistician 1.5 million
Sales Executive 780,000
Auditor 1.8 million
Monitoring and Evaluation 1.6 million
Data Entry 550,000
Human Resource Officer 1.4 million
Finance Manager 4.5 million
Security Officer 450,000
Lawyer 3.8 million
Doctor 2.5 million
Nurse 900,000
Electrical Engineer 2.1 million
Civil Engineer 2.3 million
Bank Teller 1.1 million
Software Engineer 4.8 million
Waiter 470,000
Actuary 2.5 million
Customer Care 900,000
Hotel Manager 2 million


Looking at the data above, you will notice that engineers, lawyers, doctors and finance managers are the highest paid professionals in Kenya while customer care and front office staff are the lowest paid professionals in Uganda. This means that you should plan to pursue engineering and finance related courses and avoid front office and customer service courses.