How To Get a Job at Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS)



Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) falls under category B in terms of government ranking, meaning that if you get a job at this institution as a fresh graduate, you will earn at least Ksh70, 000 per month. Though many graduates find it hard to secure a job here, it is always easier to secure one if you know job hunting skills.

To begin with, it’s easier for graduates with statistics, population studies, biostatistics, economics and applied statistics to secure employment than people who did other courses. This is because KNBS normally deal with surveys and data analysis.

The easiest way to get a job at KNBS is by applying for internships and temporary employment. You find that during internships, the institution offers temporary employment for interns. These jobs involve surveys and data entry, and attract daily pay ranging from Ksh3,000-Ksh5,000.If you are lucky to get a job involving conducting surveys, you will earn up to Ksh7,000 per day.

Occasionally the company employs fresh graduates as statisticians. Though these jobs are very competitive, you can secure one if you hold a bachelor of statistics with second upper division grade….a first class will be an added advantage.

Senior positions are easier to get because the institution looks for people with the best skills. These positions go for people who possess over three years’ experience.

What I will advise you, especially if you are a fresh graduate, it’s good to make a blind application to KNBS and specify that you are applying for temporary employment..don’t wait for adverts from them.