Business Analyst Salaries in Kenya



Business Analysts are individuals who analyze performance of company businesses as well as predict trends. The salary of business analysts in Kenya depend on several factors, which include experience, qualification and the company you work for.

If you possess a degree in Statistics and a professional course in CFA,your starting salary in Kenya is Ksh150,000-Ksh220,000 but if you possess a degree in Statistics minus any professional qualification, your salary range is Ksh 90,000-Ksh150,000.

If you manage to work for one company for more than 3 years as a business analyst, then your salary will be more than Ksh200,000.

Now, if you are earning less than what we have quoted here, then you are underpaid.

Those with a degree in commerce and a professional qualification in CPA, ACCA or CFA are normally employed as business analyst trainees. At this level, an individual has no proven work experience. He will, therefore, earn Ksh 70,000-Ksh120, 000.This is what 90 % of the companies pay fresh graduates who join them as business analysts.

If you possess a degree in any business related course and a relevant professional certificate plus at least 3 years experience, as a business analyst , you should be paid Ksh120,000-Ksh 180,000.Those who possess CFA earn Ksh250,000-Ksh400,000.

The best paying companies in Kenya include Nairobi Securities Exchange,Central Bank of Kenya, Capital Markets Authority,CFC Stanbic Bank,Old Mutual,Britam,Retirement Benefits Authority and all government parastatals