Are jobs advertised by Corporate Staffing and BrighterMonday Genuine?



BrighterMonday and Corporate Staffing are among the best job websites/blogs in Kenya.The jobs advertised by these two sites are genuine but most jobseekers believe they are not genuine.

One jobseeker asked us:

“I always log on to BrighterMonday and Corporate Staffing every day.I have applied for several jobs advertised on the blogs.All the jobs I have applied for have all the requirements I possess but I have never been invited for interviews.Is it that there is something wrong with me or the jobs are not genuine?I believe they just advertise for the sake of it!”

As experienced career advisers we would like to inform you that the jobs are 100 % genuine.One thing you should note is that you are not the only person who applies for the job.This is what happens:since the sites are popular, every job post is viewed by over 10,000 job seekers.Out of this number,more than 2,000 apply for a single job.If it happens the employer wanted a single individual,then chances of getting the job are 0.0002,which cannot guarantee anyone the job.

My advise, always ensure you are among the first ones to apply for a job you are qualified.But before you do that make sure your CV is perfect, your cover letter is impressive and also your qualifications matches the requirements of the position.

Another advice I can give you is-try to search for employment on other less popular sites. It is always hard to get interview invitation once you apply for jobs you see on the first page of search engines. There are sites on pages 3,4,5,6… which have very nice jobs with less views. If you find a job advertised on these sites and apply for them chances of getting a job interview are very high.