Master of Science in Accounting Online Course Best Review


Master of Science in Accounting Online Course Best Review

I am an accountant by profession and I want to pursue Master of Science in Accounting online. I would like to know whether the course is good for me or I should just enroll for classes. Another question I have is whether the course I will pursue is better than Master of Science in Finance.


Master of Science in Accountancy (iMSA) is offered by the University of Illinois, one of the best universities in the world. The course takes at most 2 years and is offered online through Coursera.

The program, which is offered online, is suitable for the following individuals:

  • Accountants
  • Business Analysts
  • Finance Managers
  • Auditors

The course takes 18-36 weeks to complete but a good number of students complete within 18 hours.

Many people have several unanswered questions about Master of Science in Accounting, most of them do not understand how beneficial it is to pursue it online. Based on reviews from previous students, here are the advantages of pursuing MSC Accounting online:

Easy to join

Unlike other universities that take ages to respond and admit you, The University of Illinois takes few days to admit you after you join through this link (Enrollment link)

Another advantage is that online course allows you to concentrate with your work as you study-it doesn’t disrupt your normal programs. This is the main reason many students opt for this online course as opposed to attending classes, which consume more resources and time.

Less expensive

Online courses are less expensive to school based programs. This is because some costs are removed from the school fees which leave the total cost almost half of the actual cost.

Less time in school

Online courses take few months to complete because they occur independent of university activities. If for instance a course was scheduled to run for 18 months, it will indeed take a student three months to complete.

Based on above advantages, there is no reason someone will overlook an online course.

What I will advise you is, if you are employed, don’t leave your work to study for a masters program, just enroll for an online program and have peace at your work. The beauty of this is that you will not be forced to abscond duty for studies.

If you are willing, simply join through this link (MSc Accounting link)