How Much Bank Tellers and Employees earn in the U.S



In U.S.A the salaries for bank tellers, cashiers and other employees are way above what employees of the same category earn in other parts of the world.

Companies like Chase Bank, which is the among the highest paying banks in America, pays tellers average of $ 25 per hour. While other banks pay an average salary of $ 15 per hour.

The salaries paid to bank employees in U.S depends on individual bank, the duration an employee commits himself to the bank and the level of experience the employee possess.

There are bank tellers in the U.S who earn up to $30 per hour because of their experience.

The starting salary for bank tellers is $10, which is paid to fresh employees with zero or little experience. Once an individual gains experience the salary increases to surpass the $ 14 mark in 2 years.