To be employed at Standard Group Media (KTN) Kenya you need to have excellent communication skills as well as good qualifications from college. Jobs at the company are either casual or on long term contract.
When it comes to casual jobs, the company employs individuals for manual jobs which involve loading and offloading newspapers, driving, internships.
When you pass thorough the company’s offices at Mombasa Road in the evening, you will notice that there is a group of people waiting to be ushered in. These are people who are given a job of packing the newspapers and are paid on daily basis. The jobs are given to anyone regardless of academic qualifications.
Standard Media Group also employs reorters, bloggers, cameramen, news presenters and news editors. These jobs often go to individuals who pursued courses in journalism and communication and PR.Since they are very competitive, the company prefers to poach from other stations or employ the best from universities through cut throat competition.
It is not easier to get a job at the company especially KTN but if you have the right qualifications, you can wait until they advertise for vacancies-they usually advertise through print media.