What to Do if You Have Been Dismissed from University for Misconduct



If you have been dismissed from university for misconduct there are many things to do.

It feels bad especially when you are studying courses like Actuarial Science, Medicine Law and Engineering, which are tough but very promising and the university decides to expel you from school. This is the time you need someone to guide you. In case you face this challenge, this is what to do.

Enroll for a similar course in a different university

The first and quick step top take is ensuring you enroll for a similar degree program in a different university. This step will help you continue with studies without a break.

I will say this is the most appropriate action to take and the early you take it the better.

Start a business

Sometimes life is not all about education: we know millions of people in USA who never completed school but are millionaires. As you want to complete your suspension, start a small business venture to keep you busy.

Appeal against the suspension

Some universities allow students to appeal against the suspension. If your university allows that, you can try your luck by appealing against the dismissal. If the university finds it okay to accept you back, well and good.

Apply for a scholarship to another country

If you passed your high school exam, you can apply for a scholarship to another country where you can receive even more quality education. There are many scholarships online for all degree courses.

Look for employment

Another ideal step to take is to look for employment with your high school certificate. There are jobs for high school certificate holders you can do especially if you are in Dubai, Qatar,USA and Canada.

Migrate to another country

You can also migrate to another country where you it will be possible to study for a degree program.This is particularly applicable for students who have been denied opportunity to study at any university in their country after during suspension period. We advise you to move to Qatar,Dubai,USa,UK or Canada,where you will not only receive quality education but also secure a well-paying job.

Go for counseling first

Immediately you are dismissed, if you traumatized please go for counseling. Counseling will cool your heart a bit as you figure out what to do next.