Egerton University Self Sponsored Courses Nairobi Campus, Admission Requirements and Fees Structure







Applications are invited for the following academic programmes at the Nairobi City Campus:

1. a) Certificate in Business Management

b) Certificate in Procurement & Supply Chain Management

Minimum requirement KCSE mean grade D+

One semester courses (Day) for Kshs. 30,000
2. a. Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management

b. Diploma in Business Management

c. Diploma in Human Resource Management

Minimum Requirements: Minimum C (Plain) in KCSE, DIV III at KCE or equivalent qualifications: C- (Minus) in Mathematics, English/Kiswahili or Credit in Certificate in Business Administration from institutions recognized by Egerton University or Holder of Accounting Technician Certificate (ATC) Final Level

3 semesters (1 calendar year)

Day & Evening

for Ksh. 36,000 tuition fee per semester

3. a. Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) Option; Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Operations Management, Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Business Information, Cooperative & Micro Financing, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Mgt., Insurance & Risk Mgt.

b. Bachelor of Procurement & Supply Chain Management

c. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Mgt.

Minimum Requirements: Minimum of C+ (Plus) at K.C.S.E and C (Plain) in Mathematics, English/Kiswahili or Relevant Diploma from a recognized institution with at least a Credit or CPA II

8 semesters (21/2 calendar years)

Day, Evening & Weekend for Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

4. Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Minimum Requirements: (i) Second Class Honours (Upper Division) (ii) Second Class Honours (Lower Division) with at least two (2) years relevant experience

4 semesters

Evening & Weekend

For Kshs 55,000 tuition fee per semester

5. MSc. Human Resource Management

Minimum Requirements: (i) Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in any of the following areas: Human Resource Management, General Management, Political Science, Business Administration. Or (ii) Second Class Honours (Lower Division) with at least two (2) years relevant experience

4 semesters

Evening & Weekend

For Kshs 55,000 tuition fee per semester

1. Certificate Courses in the following areas:

(i) Criminology and Criminal Justice

(ii) Social Work and Community Development

Minimum Requirements : Applicants must have K.C.S.E Mean Grade of D+ (plus)

3 months (Day) for Kshs 35,000
2. Bachelor of Arts (Criminology & Security Studies) Specialization options: (i) Rehabilitation & Probation Services

(ii) Security & Disaster Management (iii) Criminal and Forensic Investigation

Minimum Requirements: (i) K.C.S.E C+ (Plus) and C+ in English/Kiswahili (ii) Diploma in Criminology or Police Science with at least Credit or equivalent

8 semesters (21/2 calendar years)

Day or evening & weekend

For Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

3. Bachelor of Science in Information Science (BLINS)

Minimum Requirements: C+ in K.C.S.E. or equivalent. Those with Diploma in Information Sciences or archives and records management from accredited institutions may be admitted

8 semesters (21/2 calendar years)

Day or evening & weekends

For Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

4. a) Bachelor of Science in Economics & Statistics;

Minimum Requirements: K.C.S.E C+ and above. In addition, applicants must have at least the grade of B- (minus) in Mathematics and B (plain) in Economics/Commerce/Accounting /Business Studies. Holders of A-level qualifications with two principal passes in Economics or Mathematics will be considered.

b) Economics and Sociology

Minimum Requirements: K.C.S.E C+ and above. In addition, applicants must have at least the grade of B- (minus) in Mathematics or a C+(plus) in Mathematics and B (plain) in Economics/Commerce/Accounting /Business Studies or its equivalent. Holders of A-level qualifications with two principal passes in two disciplines will be considered.

c) Economics and History

Minimum Requirements: K.C.S.E C+ and above. In addition, applicants must have at least the grade of B- (minus) in Mathematics or a C+(plus) in Mathematics and B (plain) in Economics/Commerce/Accounting /Business Studies and History and Government or its equivalent. Holders of A-level qualifications with two principal passes in two disciplines will be considered.

8 semesters (21/2 calendar years)

Day or evening & weekends

For Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

5. Bachelor of Arts in History and International Relations;

Minimum of C+ (Plus) at K.C.S.E and C+ (Plus) in History, English/Kiswahili or Relevant Diploma from a recognized institution with at least a Credit

The applicant must have a background in history.

8 semesters (21/2 calendar years)

Day or evening and weekends

For Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

6. Master of Arts in Sociology in the following areas:

(i) Community Development and Project Management

(ii) Peace Studies and Conflict Management

(iii) Disaster Preparedness and Management Minimum Requirements: Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or Second Class Honours (Lower Division) with at least two (2) years relevant experience

4 semesters

(Evening and weekends)

For Kshs 60,000 tuition fee per semester

7. Master of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Minimum Requirements: Second Class Honours (Upper Division or Second Class Honours (Lower Division) in Arts, Criminology or Military Science with additional training in relevant options. Any other first degree with initial police training.

4 semesters

(Evening and weekend)

For Kshs 60,000 tuition fee per semester

8. Master of Arts in Security Management

Minimum Requirements: Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or Second Class Honours (Lower Division) in Arts, Criminology or Military Science with additional training in relevant options. Any other first degree with initial police training.

4 semesters

(Evening and weekend)

For Kshs 60,000 tuition fee per semester

1 Diploma in Education Arts (Secondary)

Minimum Requirements: A holder of KCSE with a mean grade of C+ and at least a C+ in any of the following subjects: English, Literature in English, History, Religious Studies, Business Studies, Mathematics, Geography, Kiswahili

6 semesters


For Kshs 35,000 tuition fee per semester

2 Diploma in Education Primary (School-based)

Minimum Requirements: : A holder of KCSE with a mean grade of D+ and a P1 Certificate with a teaching experience of at least two (2) years or KCSE mean grade of C Plain and a P1 certificate

6 semesters

Day and weekend

For Kshs 35,000 tuition fee per semester

3 Bachelor of Education (Arts) Minimum Requirements: S1 or Diploma in Art Education from recognized colleges and Universities or KCSE with an overall mean grade of C+ and at least a C+ in chosen subjects in any two of the following teaching subjects: Geography,/Business

Studies, History/Geography, History/Religious Studies, History/Kiswahili, Kiswahili/Religious Studies, English//Literature

8 semesters


For Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

4 Bachelor of Education (Primary) Minimum Requirements: A holder of KCSE or equivalent and P1 certificate plus a minimum of 2years teaching experience OR S1 or diploma holders who have taught for at least 2years and wish to specialize in primary education 8 semesters


For Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

5 Bachelor of Psychology

Minimum Requirements: A holder of K.C.S.E. with a mean grade of C+ with English or Kiswahili C+, Biology B- and Maths C+. Holders of relevant diplomas with credit pass from recognized institution will be considered

8 semesters

Day or evening and weekend

For Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

6 Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE)

Minimum Requirements: At least a KCSE Certificate with a mean grade of C+. In addition applicants must have scored at least grade C+ in the following subjects: Either English or Kiswahili. Any one subject from: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Physical Sciences.

Any one subject from: History and Government, Geography, Religious Education or Social Education and Ethics.

Either Biology or Biological Sciences.


Applicants shall be admitted provided they hold either: P1 Teachers’ Certificate and at least a KCSE Certificate with a mean grade of C plain or KCE Division II or KACE I Principle and 2 subsidiary passes.


Diploma in ECDE from a recognized examining body


Certificate in ECDE teaching from a recognized examining body and at least a KCSE Certificate with a mean grade of C Plain or KCE Division II or KACE I Principal and 2 subsidiary passes.


KACE or its equivalent with at least 2 principal passes and 1 subsidiary pass.

Weekends and School-based

For Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

7 Master of Education in Education Management (Planning and Economic Options)

Minimum Requirements: Upper Second Class Honours Degree in B.Ed or B.Sc/BA with PGDE. Candidates with Lower Second (2nd) Class Honours degree with at least TWO years of relevant experience may also apply.

4 semesters

Evening and weekend

For Kshs 60,000 tuition fee per semester

8 Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Minimum Requirements: Upper Second Class Honours Degree in B.Ed or B.Sc/BA with PGDE. Candidates with Lower Second (2nd) Class Honours degree with at least TWO years of relevant experience may also apply.

4 semesters

Evening and weekend

For Kshs 60,000 tuition fee per semester

9 Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling

Minimum Requirements: Holders of first degree in Education, Sociology, Theology, Psychology, Philosophy, or any other related discipline, with at least upper second class honors or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution by Egerton University.

1. Under special circumstances, admission may be offered to holders of a first degree with a lower second class honors and relevant experience in research, teaching, and work at an institution of higher learning recognizes by the Senate.

4 semesters

Evening and weekend

For Kshs 60,000 tuition fee per semester

10 Master of Education in Guidance &Counselling

Minimum Requirements: Holders of first degree in Education, with at least upper second class honours or an equivalent qualification from recognized institution by Egerton University.

· Under special circumstances, admission may be offered to holders of first degree with a lower second class honours and relevant experience in research or teaching at an institution of higher learning recognized by the Senate.

4 semesters

Evening and weekend

For Kshs 60,000 tuition fee per semester

11 Master of Education in Educational Foundations


(i) Holder of Bachelor of Education (Science), Bachelor of Education (Arts), Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Education and Extension), or Bachelor of Education (Agriculture and Home Economics) with at least upper second class honours from Egerton University or any other recognized University.

(ii) Holder of Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree with at least upper second class honours, plus a postgraduate Diploma in Education from Egerton University or any other recognized University;

(iii) Holder of degree stated in (i) and (ii) above but with lower second class honours shall be eligible for admission if:

(a) Have relevant postgraduate training acceptable to the Egerton University senate,


(b) Have at least two years work experience in their field of specialization

4 semesters

Evening and weekend

For Kshs 60,000 tuition fee per semester

1. Certificate in Gender, Women and Development Studies

Minimum Requirements: A holder of K.C.S.E. with a mean grade of C- (minus) with English C (Plain)

2 weeks

(day) for Kshs 16,500

2. Diploma in Gender, Women and Development Studies

Minimum Requirements: KCSE C (plain)

Applicant who have a Certificate course in Gender, Poverty and Development will be Considered

6 Semesters (Day) for Kshs. 35,000 tuition fee per semester
3. Bachelor of Arts in Gender, Women and Development Studies

Minimum Requirements: A holder of K.C.S.E. with a mean grade of C+ or 2 principles in each of the two disciplines at KACE or its equivalent. Holders of relevant diplomas with credit pass from recognized institution will be considered

8 semesters (21/2 calendar years)

Day or evening and weekend

For Kshs 50,000 tuition fee per semester

4. Master of Arts in Gender, Women and Development Studies

Minimum Requirements: Second Class Honours (Upper Division or Second Class Honours (Lower Division) in B A in Gender, Women and Development Studies with at least two (2) years relevant experience

4 semesters

Evening and weekend

For Kshs 60,000 tuition fee per semester


(i) Applicants may obtain the Undergraduate degree and Postgraduate Programmes application forms at non-refundable fee of KSh. 2,000/= and Diploma application forms KSh. 1,000/=.

(ii) Application fee is payable as follows:

BANK: Kenya Commercial Bank

AC NAME: Egerton University

AC NO: 1137209577

BRANCH: Egerton

(iii) The forms may be obtained from: Admissions Office at Njoro Main Campus, Graduate School, Dean, Faculty of Education Community Studies (FEDCOS), Njoro Campus; and Principal Nakuru Town Campus, Egerton University City Campus Nairobi. The forms can also be downloaded from the University website but must be returned with the required application fee banking slip.

(iv) Applicants are required to clearly indicate the programme applied for and mode of study.

(v) Duly completed forms and original application fee Banking Slip attached should be sent to: –

The Registrar (Academic Affairs),

Egerton University,

P.O. Box 536-20115,

Hand deliveries should be made to the Central Registry at Njoro Campus.