How much does Google AdSense pay per click in South Africa


Google AdSense pays $0.05 to $0.50 per click in South Africa. The amount of money paid per click (CPC) depends on factors such as niche, type of traffic and geographical location of the traffic. But here we assume that the 100% traffic is from South Africa.

The costs per click is high when traffic is from organic searches like Ask, Google, Yahoo and Bing. With such traffic, the CPC can go as high as $0.50.If traffic is from social media, the CPC will be as low as $0.05.Social media traffic is not of the same quality as organic traffic.

But one thing you should be aware of is that no single country in Africa beats South African in terms of cost per click. Blogs in Africa which rely on traffic from South Africa get the best CPC.The worst countries in terms of CPC are Nigeria, Tanzania and Eastern Africa in general.In Asia,India has the worst CPC

Your blog niche is also very important. In South Africa, best paying niches include;

  1. Health
  2. Mortgages
  3. Web Hosting
  4. Entertainment
  5. Money and Banking
  6. Earn money online
  7. Business
  8. Education
  9. Insurance

If you need high paying adverts from AdSense, focus on the niches listed above. If possible, create a niche blog to cover content from a specific high paying niche.

Assuming that your blog is about education. Each click will get adverts with $0.20 per click. For every 1,000 views, you’ll earn $2.A blog that gets 1 million views per month will earn more than R20,000.

To get organic traffic with high Cost per Click, always focus on the right keywords. People search content online using a specific combination of keywords.You should understand the long-tail keyword concept in order to get the right combinations. Use tools like LongTail Pro to learn how to use the right keywords.Sign up for the tool for free here

As I said earlier,you should create a niche blog particularly for the high paying niches.If you need one,register your domain name for free from Bluehost,click here to register.Then create a WordPress site. Within a couple of months, you’ll be earning over $1000 every month.