How to Survive with Ksh20,000 Salary in Nairobi


If you find yourself earning Ksh20,000 in Nairobi, you’ll find it hard to survive with this salary, but there are a couple of things to do in order to ensure that the salary is enough. The most important thing is to live within your means—you can’t earn Ksh20,000 and spend Ksh30,000, you’ll surely not survive for long in Nairobi.

Statistics show that more than 600,000 people living in Nairobi earn less than Ksh 20,000 per month. How do they survive with this meagre pay?!!Here is what they do.

Pay rent of less than Ksh 5,000 per month

It’s always advisable to spend less than a third of your salary on rent. With a rent of Ksh 5,000, you’ll remain with Ksh 15,000 to spend. Some of the best estates for Ksh20,000 salary include:

  1. Kayole
  2. Pipeline
  3. Kibera
  4. Mlolongo
  5. Githurai
  6. Ruaka
  7. Kitengela
  8. Rongai
  9. Ruiru
  10. Uthiru
  11. Kangemi
  12. Kawangware

Spend Ksh 4,000 to Ksh6,000 for shopping

Shopping should not cost more than Ksh 6,000 per month. Identify a cheap supermarket where you can do the shopping, avoid supermarkets like Carrefour, Naivas and Tuskys because their prices are high. Remember that every shilling counts when you are paid little.

Spend Ksh 6,000 on school fees,transport and miscellaneous expenses

Ensure that your workplace is not far from the place you live.If possible,you should stay in a place where you spend less than Ksh60 per day on transport.

By spending Ksh 6,000 on transport and other expenses, Ksh6,000 on shopping and Ksh 5,000 for rent, you’ll manage to save Ksh3,000 every month.

Get food from home

To avoid more expenses, get maize and beans from home, this will save you from buying cooking flour from supermarkets.

Avoid unnecessary trips and buying unnecessary stuff

I have seen several people buy things like smokies, sausages and samosas while going home, these are things that will contribute to unnecessary spending.

Another important point is to avoid taking meals in hotels, instead cook. You should also carry packed lunch.

Start a side hustle

If you are married, save and open business for your wife. The money she will be getting will help pay some bills. You should also look for a good side hustle to do after work. You can go to Gikomba, come with clothes and sell in the estate, or make coffee and sell along the streets.

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