There are many people wanting to know why Kinsta web hosting is expensive. They have looked at the packages and realized that the prices are higher than prices of other web hosting providers. Many are wondering why they should pay? But there are reasons why Kinsta is the best Managed WordPress Hosting.
I have been hosting my sites at Kinsta and one issue that it solved completely is the ability to handle traffic spikes. Even if my site’s traffic increases within an hour from 1 million to 10 million, Kinsta will handle it.I have never experienced any downtime since 2016.
Another reason is the fact that they manage the technical aspect of your site such that your work is only to post content. They also provide malware and virus removal for free.
Kinsta also provides free website migration,30-day money back guarantee. It also charges based on the resources your website consumes.
Many web hosting companies disconnect your website from their servers if it exhausts resources, but Kinsta does not do that. In case your website exceeds allocated resources, the company allows it to continue being online and charges you extra cash on the additional resources.
I actually find Kinsta very cheap because it doesn’t have hidden charges like most web hosting providers. Majority of them have renewal charges which are higher than the actual charges. At Kinsta, the amount you see on the website is the one you will pay.
If you decide to pay per year, the company will give you a discount of two months, which makes it cheaper than majority of web hosting providers.
Another thing which I almost forgot. You’ll be surprised that when sites are hosted by Kinsta, they load very fast, which boosts the SEO of the sites.
If you want to confirm that Kinsta is not expensive, follow this link and check their prices in their website