How to Make Money as a Blogger Quickly and Become a Millionaire


When you start blogging, there is a false believe that you will become a millionaire within a short time but over time, the hopes dim to the extent of accepting anything blogging can offer. But with strategy, one can make money quickly and become a millionaire even within three to five years of blogging.

Before I continue, let me list some of the millionaire bloggers we have:

NameWebsiteMonthly Income
Michael ArringtonTech Crunch$800,000
Pete CashmoreMashable$600,000
Mario LavandeiraPerez Hilton$450,000
Vitaly FriedmanSmashing Magazine$190,000

These guys have built their blogs over time and literary owned the world of blogging. They aren’t different from the one reading this article, it’s only that they employed working strategies which eventually bore fruits.

If you also wish to become a rich, follow these strategies:

  • Create more than one blog

All the richest bloggers own more than one blog. This is a strategy they employ in order to diversify income—the blogs belong to different niches. To create a blog, say with Bluehost, it requires a capital of $50 only—the company provides a free domain. You can register your blog through the following link, click on this link and visit Bluehost

At first, you’ll post on all blogs and later narrow down to those generating more revenue. Certainly, not all blogs will perform in your favour.

3 to 5 blogs are ideal.

  • Diversify your income

None of the richest bloggers depend on a single sources of income. A complete blogger should earn from:

  1. AdSense
  2. Affiliate marketing
  3. AdSense alternatives
  4. His own products
  5. Sponsored articles
  6. Banners from private businesses

With diversification of income sources, you’ll grow exponentially and become a millionaire within a short time.

  • Create volumes of useful articles that appear on page one of search engines

All the richest bloggers create useful content which rank on page one of Google. When advertisers notice that your blog is quite influential, they start sending sponsored articles and banners to you.

These bloggers post daily; they don’t get tired. If you look at blogs owned by the richest bloggers, you’ll be shocked that they contain over 100,000 articles each. Their growth was not instant—it was gradual. For one to gain accelerate growth, they must employ guest bloggers to write and post as many articles as possible. Essentially, this requires huge financial investment.

  • Your blog should belong highest paying niches

There are niches with high traffic but low income. Before getting into blogging, do your own research to determine which are the highest paying niches.

Below is a list of the highest paying niches:

  1. Fitness and Weight Loss.
  2. Health
  3. Dating and Relationships
  4. Pets
  5. Self-Improvement
  6. Wealth Building Through Investing
  7. Make Money on the Internet
  8. Beauty Treatments.
  9. Web Hosting
  10. Mortgage
  11. Banking
  12. Education

Some of the keywords for those niches pay up to $1000 per click. Your content should be dominated with content from some of the 12 niches.

  • Set targets

Without discipline, you won’t succeed as a blogger—targets are paramount. Post as many articles per day as possible, share your content on social media and look for ways to attract advertisements.

  • Creates social media pages and share your content there

Social media pages will attract social traffic which will contribute to the cumulative number of views. Promote your pages to ensure that they get over 1 million followers each. With this huge number of followers, a single article shared on Facebook will get over 20,000 Facebook visitors.

  • Create Authority blog

In your niche, the blogger should lead in everything. Any article you post should appear on page one of Google. You’ll eventually start seeing traffic grow and money grow as well.