List of Best Degree Courses to study in Mauritius



There are over 100 degree courses to pursue in Mauritius but based on employment trends only a few programmes join the list of best courses.

To know that your degree program is good, there are many factors to consider, which include: employment index, number of graduates, the future of your program and salaries of professionals in that program. Based on these factors, here is a list of best degree programs in Mauritius:

Open University of Mauritius List of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses


  • BA (Hons) English
  • BEd (Hons) Primary Education
  • BEd (Hons) Early Childhood Education and Care
  • BA (Hons) Business Entrepreneurship
  • BSc (Hons) Criminology
  • BA (Hons) Communication, Media and Journalism
  • BA (Hons) Library and Information Science
  • Bsc (Hons) Management with Law
  • Bsc (Hons) Applied ICT with Specialisation
  • BA (Hons) French
  • BSc (Hons) Finance and Law
  • BA (Hons) Graphic Design and Multimedia
  • BSc Statistics
  • BSc Actuarial Science
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
  • Bachelor of Quantity Survey
  • Bachelor of Architecture
  • Bachelor of Accounting
  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy

When it comes to masters program, you can decide to specialize in an area where you believe can suit your interests. We know MBA makes many students comfortable, surprisingly,this is not the best masters program in Mauritius. Since MBA is flooded, most students are advised to enroll for either MSc Finance or CFA, which are more marketable than MBA